Force of Law Operation (OFL) has targeted Monday 4 criminals from Fier and another one from Balls, sending them the self-declaration forms which they have to fill within the next 48 hours in writing.
Assets must be declared by Fier residents: Bledar Qemalaj, convicted of “Premeditated Murder” and “Narcotics Trafficking”; Arjan Rushi, convicted of “Premeditated Murder” and “Theft with weapon”; Roland Sota, convicted of “Exploitation of prostitution in aggravating circumstances” and Marteos Pasho, convicted of the criminal offense “Murder in other qualifying circumstances”.
Meanwhile, the citizen from Ballsh is Enri (Gazmir) Ajdinaj, sentenced the criminal charge “Coercion through threats or violence to give away property”.
Action for the declaration of assets in the framework of the implementation of the Special Law on Property Measures against Individuals Convicted or Accused of Organized Crime or Serious Crimes. The information collected will then be submitted to the Special Prosecution against Corruption and Organized (SPAK) for further legal action, according to the Force of Law, according to the OFL.
“OFL is in uninterrupted action and in carrying out complex actions for imposing of emergency seizures on assets suspected to have been obtained from crime, as well as for sending the self-declaration forms to all persons subject to the Special Law”, says the Force of Law./