The Force of Law Operation continues their mission, pursuant to the tasks set out in the Normative Act of 31 January 2020.
In the framework of the implementation of the Special Law on Property Measures against Individuals Convicted or Accused of Organized Crime or Serious Crimes, OFL has initiated written requests for self-declaration of sources of property, citizens:
-Q. A. (M.), resident in Peshkopi, convicted in Italy for the criminal offenses “Criminal Organization” and “Theft”;
-Mr. A., resident in Korça, convicted of the criminal offense “Premeditated Murder”, committed in collaboration.
These individuals, as the subject of the Special Law, must respond in writing, within 48 hours, to all OFL questions and then, the answers received will be sent to the SPAK, for further action.
OFL is in uninterrupted action and in carrying out complex actions for the imposition of emergency seizures on suspected assets obtained from crime, as well as for sending self-declaration forms to all persons subject to the Special Law.
OFL will inform the public on an ongoing basis of all procedural initiatives and executive operations it will carry out./