Minister Manja: The new Penal Code is necessary, at the request of Brussels

schedule11:00 - 3 Maj, 2024

schedule 11:00 - 3 Maj, 2024

“Strengthening institutional cooperation inside and outside the country remains the main focus”, said the Minister of Justice, Ulsi Manja, as he asked for more commitment to criminality.

Minister Manja has also stated that the preparation of a New Criminal Code is necessary, while underlining that something similar is also required by Brussels. Regarding the criminal amnesty, he said that he will give all the answers in the Interpellance.

“Today I was as the Minister of Justice to present the recommendations. Regarding the request made by the head of SPAK to clarify the status, I say that the guarantee of the exercise and continuation of the functions of this body will have to be addressed. Today, SPAK is equal to the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office. After the end of the mandate, it must be guaranteed.

Today, the constitution has this provision of 9 years without the right to re-election. They are in their 5th year and at the moment when this request will be presented, you can be sure that I am on the side of the Prosecutor’s Office. A new Penal Code is needed, I am not the only one who says this. It is Brussels’ request to respond to the dynamics of the development of society and technology.

So, due to the developments in this criminal code, it has been intervened 33 times, we have made it patchy. Brussels and time calls for a new criminal code and it will have to undergo a wide public consultation among professionals. As it will be a criminal code that will stand the test of time for the next 20-30 years,” he said.


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