Minister Arben Ahmetaj explained to the Abc News studio a seven-point government package on the coronavirus crisis.
Ahmetaj explained that the business will support it through various forms such as re-auditing the payment of the Income Tax or even providing a $ 100m guarantee so that they will be able to pay their employees’ salaries.
“This package guarantees all companies that have liquidity difficulties and have to pay salaries.
These ventures can go to the bank and claim loans in order to pay salaries. They will be put into a bank with zero risk because the risk is taken by the Albanian state, ie the State Budget. The credit limit will be considered the need for their salaries, ”Ahmetaj said.
He also emphasized that market supply lines are intact and everything goes smoothly, so citizens should not panic and gather in markets, increasing the risk of being contaminated.
“There is no shortage of food. The supply chain continues smoothly, nationally and internationally. Except that there are large amounts of reserve for a month and a half, “he said./