The Border Police has blocked 34 vessels, from Ksamil to Velipojë, within the “Maritime Security” operation. The Maritime Police Unit and the Border Police have intensified controls along the entire coastline, lake and river areas. During this week, the Border Police blocked 34 vessels, of which 24 jet skis, 6 speedboats and 4 dinghies. 25 vessels have been blocked from Ksamil to Vlora. 7 vessels are blocked from Durrës to Shengjin.
2 vessels are blocked in Velipoja. 10 of the blocked vessels were found by the services of the Border Police and those of the Maritime Police Unit to be sailing within the security perimeter, a violation which endangered the lives of vacationers. The drivers of these vehicles were each punished with an administrative measure of 100,000 ALL.
The drivers of 24 other vessels, in addition to the measure of blocking the means, were each punished with an administrative measure of 10,000 ALL for lack of documentation. Meanwhile, the Maritime Police Unit and the Border Police throughout this week have come to the aid of tourists and visitors in 4 cases, who have asked for help in the maritime space from Ksamil to Velipojë./