Manastirliu: We laid the foundations of a collaboration! Stroni: Our requests were evaluated

schedule12:16 - 24 Shtator, 2020

schedule 12:16 - 24 Shtator, 2020

After the meeting of doctors at the Prime Minister, the Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu stressed out that the roundtable discussion is expected to start next week.

“The bridge of communication with doctors is a consolidated bridge. We are working to do our best “, said Manastirliu.

Dr. Gent Stroni also stated: We laid the first foundations of a collaboration. There will be other roundtables with collaboration groups. Is to be appreciated  the fact that all 4 of our requests from the government side were considered fair.

ABC News journalist Maksi Rama reported that next week they are expected to discuss all the requests./

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