Manastirliu: First Covax vaccine doses to arrive in February

schedule14:44 - 25 Janar, 2021

schedule 14:44 - 25 Janar, 2021

The Minister of Health, Ogerta Manastirliu, this Monday inspected the Health Center at the “Qytet Studenti” where it was stated that there are 51 points for rapid testing in the community.

In her speech, the Minister emphasized that 55 thousand fast tests for coronavirus have been performed and the booking is done through the family doctor.

Among other things, Manastirliu said that the health structures are on increased alert, due to the situation in Europe of cases of the new variant of the coronavirus.

Speaking about anti-COVID vaccines, the Minister said that she will guarantee the supply of antiCOVID vaccine through two contracts, directly with Pfizer and through the COVAX mechanism.

“We have started vaccination with more than 500 doctors and nurses of COVID hospitals and the vaccination will continue, as we have guaranteed the continuation of the supply of vaccine doses through the contract with Pfizer and also through COVAX, where we have prepaid 4 million dollars and that the first supplies are expected to arrive in February.

“Vaccination is one more weapon to defeat this virus, but we must continue with increased vigilance, in order to control the situation of the epidemic in the country”, said Manastirliu./

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