Kim: I recognize Enkelejd Alibeaj as acting chairman of DP

schedule08:00 - 30 Shtator, 2022

schedule 08:00 - 30 Shtator, 2022

The US ambassador to our country, Yuri Kim, has commented on her relations with the Democratic Party. She stated in the show “Opinion” that as the chairman of the DP, she knows Enkeljed Alibeaj, who is the acting chairman.

It is a popularity contest for us. For us it is about the rule of law. We met with Mr. Alibeaj in his position as chairman of the parliamentary group and as acting chairman of the Democratic Party. I think it is very important to be clear about the rule of law. You can’t just side with whoever has the most power. It would be illegal.

I think this is debatable, but I see what you mean anyway. For us, as an institution, for me as a representative of the United States and the President, I meet with people who are known by the law. I will continue to do this. I can tell you that at no time will it be possible for me or any official of the United States to meet with anyone who has been determined by the Secretary of State for grand corruption or for undermining democracy. This will not happen.”
