SPAK will summon Rajmonda Nika, the wife of Aleks Nika, on Monday at 10:00 a.m. as a witness for the January 21 murders. On the same day at 12:00, Mark Nika, Alex Nika’s uncle, was also called.
SPAK officially announced on Tuesday that it has registered the investigations for January 21, for 3 criminal offenses starting from murder under qualifying circumstances committed in cooperation with two or more persons, “committing actions that prevent the discovery of the truth” and that of abuse of office with the suspicion that they were committed by former high state officials.
The decision came after the families of the victims of January 21 asked the high court that the investigations into the murders of their relatives be followed by the SPAK with the argument that high state officials were involved in the murders, including former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, ex- Interior Minister Lulzim Basha and senior leaders of the Republic Guard.
SPAK should now investigate to see the role of former high state officials, whether or not they are responsible for the murders that happened 13 years ago.