International Day of Democracy, Meta: The time has come for change

schedule11:16 - 15 Shtator, 2020

schedule 11:16 - 15 Shtator, 2020

On the International Day of Democracy, President of the Republic, Ilir Meta addressed a strong call to Albanians, asking them to awake and to react.
Recalling Abraham Lincoln’s definition of democracy, as early as 1863, President Meta raised some questions –

What kind of regime is in place in Albania today? Is this the highest form of democracy and have Albanians fully fulfilled their democratic and European aspirations? Is this “Democracy” a government of the people, that comes from the people, that serves the people and that the people deserve?- for which he responded: “Being the last in the region in front of the doors of the EU and with about 500.000 Albanians having left the country in recent years alone, is a painful answer to the question!”

According to him, “While this current regime is being rejected by the citizens as the last goal of democracy with mass abandonment of the Homeland, the solution should no longer be departure, but only awaking, unity, reaction, confrontation and change!”

“In 1863, Abraham Lincoln defined Democracy as ‘the government of the people, by the people, for the people.’
A century and a half after this statement and thirty years since the fall of the continent’s most brutal communist system, the question we ask today on the International Day of Democracy is: What kind of regime is in place in Albania today? Is this the highest form of democracy and have Albanians fully fulfilled their democratic and European aspirations? Is this ‘Democracy’ a government of the people, that comes from the people, that serves the people and that the people deserve?

The last in the region in front of the doors of the EU and with about 500.000 Albanians having left in recent years alone, is a painful answer to this question!” stated President. /

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