Families of 28 dead in 9 Jan 2004 tragedy seek reinvestigation

schedule10:23 - 9 Janar, 2024

schedule 10:23 - 9 Janar, 2024

Family members of the 28 people who died in the tragedy of January 9, 2004 in Karaburun have again requested an investigation into this serious event, also demanding the punishment of those responsible.

In a short statement, Ndoc Bjeshka emphasized that it has been 20 years since they took the case to the Prosecutor’s Office, now also to SPAK, and that they received a negative response.

“It has been 20 years since the tragedy of January 9, when our children were killed by the state in Vlora.

We 30 families of this tragedy have destroyed our family just to find the truth. From Vlora to Tirana, through the courts and at the Prosecutor’s Office, we have irrefutable facts, we have facts, testimonies that say that 9 corpses were found in Dafina Bay.

“At 06:00 in the morning I notified the operating room, the navy vehicle went and they found them dead in the dinghy. That raft is lost and they don’t know where it went.

Four hours later, the other dinghy from the Italian 407 was found with 20 people there. Even for them, it has been proven that death started at 6 am.

The state has not gone to get those rafts. They waited to let them sink.

In this 20th anniversary, we demand justice”, said one of the family members of this tragedy.

Tragedy of January 9 happened near Vlora in 2004, when the raft with 36 clandestine left in rough seas over 6 knots in the direction of Italy from the Gulf of Palasa.

As a result of the drowning of the raft, 28 people lost their lives, aged between 15 and 33.

Out of 28 dead people, 8 of them were found./abcnews.al

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