schedule11:00 - 12 Mars, 2020
schedule10:07 - 12 Mars, 2020
Albanian police and army, control to prevent persons who may be infected
schedule15:35 - 11 Mars, 2020
The albanian government suspends applications for IDs and passports
schedule15:20 - 11 Mars, 2020
P.M,Rama ultimatum: All bars and restaurants will be closed
schedule14:09 - 11 Mars, 2020
P.M, Rama tightens the measures: “Who breaches self-quarantine 5 thousand euros fine”
schedule12:10 - 11 Mars, 2020
The number of infected persons in Albania has reached to 12
schedule11:45 - 11 Mars, 2020
Meta meeting with WHO leader: We should not be panic but we must be extremely hygienic
schedule10:54 - 11 Mars, 2020