Elections, Audrey Glover meeting with Meta at Party of Freedom headquarters

schedule10:21 - 17 Prill, 2023

schedule 10:21 - 17 Prill, 2023

The head of the OSCE-ODIHR Observer Mission for the May 14 local elections, Audrey Glover, has planned to hold several meetings today. Initially, Glover will meet with the chairman of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta around 10:30.

“It is a meeting, which comes in the framework of the preparations of political parties and the CEC for local elections on May 14.

With her experience, Glover knows how to make her own orders, but she also knows how to observe. At 10:30 a.m. the meeting is scheduled at the headquarters of PL,” reported journalist Erneta Shevroja.

Also, at noon, it is planned to have meetings with representatives of “Foltore”, but the part that is not known is whether Glover will go personally or if it will be another representative from the OSCE-ODIHR.

So, Glover said a few days ago that he will hold meetings with all the actors participating in the election.


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