Prime Minister Edi Rama in the communication held today on the coronavirus situation said that the increase of cases would not be avoided if the current measures will continue according to him not to be implemented.
Rama warned of tightening the measures, while suggesting that there will be a notification on this issue from the Technical Committee of Experts the next day.
“The measures are suggested by the experts and we act after consulting with them. I can say that it could not be more harmful medicine than the disease itself. There is a complex of issues to be considered here, people’s life, psychology, economics,… and we need to be very balanced.
We are not worried about the numbers, but that the lack of implementation of the measures goes beyond forecast. If we had not taken the measures taken for the end-of-year holidays we would not have had the same situation. Life goes on and we can not stop it, we can not stay locked inside and wait for the virus to go away.
The committee will have a meeting tomorrow, but the essence is to implement the measures that are. “If the measures are not respected, we will put in force new measures “, said Rama.