Construction works on Elbasan-Qafe Thane road to resume in june

schedule11:06 - 2 Maj, 2023

schedule 11:06 - 2 Maj, 2023

Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku has inspected this Tuesday the Elbasan-Qafë Thane road segment, from where she warned that construction works on the second lot of Elbasan-Qafë Thane road segment will resume in June.

In her statement, Balluku stated that the bypass of Librazhdi will be an excellent solution for shortening the road, that is Elbasan-Qafë Thana, for road safety and above all it will reduce the annual maintenance costs.

Among other things, she stated that this will be a corridor that will help connect the New Port of Durrës with the dry port of Struga.

“For us, this corridor has a very great value in terms of the new port of Durres, as it provides a direct connection with the new port of Durres both through highways and through the railway, thus supplying the dry port of Struga that will to be part of the new port of Durrës. As we also have the dry port of Pristina, which will of course be accessed from the national road.

I don’t see that we have a problem here in terms of the geological complexity part or other problems. I’ve been looking since January, if I’m not mistaken, this was the first work we started the year, that is, with the inspection of this construction site. I see that it went very well, you didn’t encounter any problems, the geology is good, because the process and the progress depend a lot on the geology.

Librazhd bypass will be an excellent solution for shortening the road, that is Elbasan-Qafë Thana, and for road safety, and above all it will reduce the annual maintenance costs.

On the other hand, we must say that the priority for us remains the bypass of Elbasan, the bypass of Elbasan which is already in the study phase. Very soon we will have the project to then start the race. Of course we will apply as we did with all the bypasses to the funds of the IBRD and the European Investment Bank in the hope of having their support, knowing that this is one of the most important infrastructural and interconnection projects, since already the Tirana-Elbasan highway is a very busy highway, while the construction of the 8th corridor continues.

We will have in our future plans the requalification of the road that connects Elbasan with the part of Rrogozhina, i.e. with the exit at the junction of Rrogozhina to create the parameters of a highway that will exit and connect with the Durrës-Fieri highway”, said Balluku.


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