The Democratic Party has convened media representatives today to discuss anti-defamation law.
During his speech, DP leader Lulzim Basha vowed to repeal the anti-slavery law.
Basha: A mea culpa has long been wanted. It’s not just a statement of mine. I am ready to make a solemn public pledge, first of the annulment of this act and any other existing act.
My personal commitment to put an end to any practice aimed at weakening or the degeneration of the media’s role in transmitting the message from political actors to the public.
Shkullaku: He is also producing a 15- to 16-minute film with two kids coming to school with Rakip Suli in the secondary role. But it didn’t matter, but you did when you were in power. You didn’t do it by law, but with commissions you had media nearby and media far away.
That Rama also said this in 2013 that the media is not free. The DP insisted that the officials had not filed a lawsuit against the journalists. You as an opposition today but also as a possible power tomorrow to commit to this practice of closed meetings.
We are not allowed to take part in any activities of the Prime Minister, ministers have started now.
Basha: Here we are as partners in an interest, that of informing citizens.
This is your duty. At this table we have enough of your colleagues who are at the mercy of this degeneration of media freedom.
Aware of our shortcomings, both today as an opposition and yesterday as a government, as we have shared together our aim is to give the country not just a legal framework but also all the instruments to close the media freedom barn once and for all.
Secondly, the indecision of whether the insanity is brought to an end on Friday by the curtailed Parliament, the opposition will not recognize it but will do its best to undo this legislation.
Third, I want to tell you that it is imperative for us to make this partnership for the sake of citizens into concrete cooperation./