Chairman of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha has introduced Monday the program for health. In his speech, the leader of the Democrats mentioned the main points of this program, where according to Basha, the patient will be in the center.
Basha said that public hospitals will be reorganized, giving managerial autonomy, to increase care and the ability to serve citizens better.
The DP leader also said that the salary of nurses will be EUR 700 and that of doctors will be EUR 1200. While also promised the opening of a new medical university.
“-The patient will be placed at the center of the system according to the money follows the patient principle. You will choose the family doctor, clinic, or hospital where you want to be treated.
-Public hospitals will be reorganized, giving managerial autonomy, to increase care and the ability to serve you better.
-There will be decent salaries for doctors and nurses. In our program, Albania wins Health, the salary of nurses will be EUR 700 and that of doctors will be EUR 1200. In these difficult times we saw, that despite being neglected, they were our heroes! They fought for us, for our relatives, in the front line! And they deserve it!
-We will increase the number of doctors and open a new medical faculty in Albania.
-We will immediately provide the legal basis and exercise full control that in Albania only high-quality medicines of the standard of European countries are sold.
-Medications will be reimbursed according to the diagnosis and not according to the current restrictive scheme which leaves out too many medications for people and forces them to pay out of pocket.
-The reorganization of the public health service will be done according to international standards, in order to be prepared to successfully face the challenges of the future”, said Basha./