Balla: To improve the legislation on cyberbullying

schedule11:13 - 8 Mars, 2024

schedule 11:13 - 8 Mars, 2024

Interior Minister Taulant Balla participated in the conference for the presentation of the Feminicide Observatory in Albania. On International Women’s Day, Balla called for women and girls not to remain silent but to denounce violence.

He also said that this is an issue that requires a lot of attention and that the legislation should be improved to stop this phenomenon.

“Even the case of Durres was of this type, someone created cyber harassment and the victim could not get out of that pressure. Hate speech on the Internet, abuse of intimate image, sexual blackmail are a number of terms such as these spread.

How many girls and women report every day about several channels that open on Telegram or social networks for which we naturally started to do a job and established some useful contacts with the biggest social network companies, Tik Tok, Meta Company.

But we have to pay attention to this thing in order to address it. We need to pay more attention to address online violence. This is a situation where there must be cooperation from all parties.

We must contribute as much as we can to turn the attention of our society to this aspect. I want to thank the ombudsman because only by standing together and in the men beside you to convey a message that all women and girls must show their potential for a better future. And let’s not allow any kind of excuses for gender-based violence,” he said, among other things.

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