At the beginning of the school year, state police announce the measures

schedule10:00 - 14 Shtator, 2020

schedule 10:00 - 14 Shtator, 2020

The State Police has announced the measures that have been taken in the framework of the start of the new school year 2020-2021.

In a statement, the police states has taken a series of new measures and issued recommendations with a view to protecting public health, to develop the normal teaching process in schools and  for road traffic safety  for students.

According to the police, in all schools of the country and around their premises there will be an increased presence of the Order Police and the Criminal Police, in order to prevent any possible criminal act in these premises or around them.

“The employees of the Police have established cooperation with the institution of the Prefect, the heads of educational institutions, those of local government, etc., defining joint measures and tasks, in order to increase the level of public safety in schools, for:

Restricting or prohibiting parking, staying and movement of vehicles on certain road segments near schools;

Placement of vertical and horizontal signage necessary for disciplining the movement of vehicles and pedestrians;

Providing and exchanging information with the pedagogical staff for students who might carry illegal items and on their basis the development of controls at the entrance gates by the school security staff, in the presence of teachers, security officers in high schools, but under the supervision of a Police officer.

The State Police wishes success to the students of 9-year and high schools in the beginning of this school year and invites anyone to report any violation or illegality to the number 112 and the Digital Commissariat. /

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