Arrested for corruption, is released from prison Korca’s lawyer Arben Lena

schedule11:12 - 9 Maj, 2024

schedule 11:12 - 9 Maj, 2024

The Special Court has released from the cell the lawyer of Korça, Arben Lena, who was arrested for corruption. It is learned that he will remain under house arrest until the end of the investigation. Lena was arrested in January of this year on the suspicion that she would influence the Court of Appeal of Korça.

Lena is accused of being part of the group of 5 people who tried to bribe the judges of the Court of Appeal of Korça with 5,000 euros to release Bledar Kozici, who was arrested for refugee trafficking, from custody.

As a result of this investigation, previously in handcuffs by order of SPAK, 4 people have been arrested and two others have been placed under the “compulsion to appear” measure./

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