Anti-Disinformation Commission/ Çuçi: It is not a control, but if there is a violation of the law

schedule12:00 - 2 Prill, 2024

schedule 12:00 - 2 Prill, 2024

The chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party, Bledi Çuçi, has stated that the commission against disinformation is not a control, but to see if there is a violation of the law. Asked by journalists, he said that all other Western countries and the European Parliament have set up special commissions, and this also shows that it is a matter of great importance.

“No, it’s not like that. For information, the commission will have a comprehensive and long-term activity, and of course we in the parliament, that’s why we are there to examine laws.

While other Western countries and the European Parliament have set up special commissions, then it is a matter of very special importance. It is not a control, it is to see if there is a violation of the law”, said Çuçi.

Albania will fight disinformation, making legal changes through which traditional media such as: television and radio, or even portals and accounts in social networks of companies or individuals who manipulate the public will be closed.

The Special Commission should propose legal changes to strengthen the rules of media operation, allowing until the closure of these defamatory or manipulative accounts./

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