American Embassy for the Consecration of Mother Teresa: She dedicated her life to alleviating the suffering of the poor

schedule10:00 - 5 Shtator, 2024

schedule 10:00 - 5 Shtator, 2024

The American Embassy in Tirana has remembered the great Albanian activist Mother Teresa, on the 8th anniversary of her Sanctification. With a reaction on the official Facebook page, the US embassy writes that Mother Teresa “dedicated her life to alleviating the suffering of the poor through charity, volunteerism and caring”.

“Today, the world celebrates International Day of Charity, paying tribute to Mother Teresa, the Albanian-born saint who devoted her life to easing the suffering of the poor through charity, volunteering, and caring.

On the same day, Albania also observes its own National Day of Mother Teresa. This day serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of small actions and their ability to inspire change, echoing Mother Teresa’s words:

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
