Albania has signed an agreement with Covax to provide the anti-Covid vaccine

schedule12:34 - 22 Tetor, 2020

schedule 12:34 - 22 Tetor, 2020

The Albanian government has submitted to the Assembly the agreement for the purchase of the vaccine against coronavirus. The draft law states that the total amount to be paid by the Albanian state is 3,990,000 euros for one million one hundred and forty thousand doses, which cover 20% of the population.

Albania has signed an agreement with Covax to provide the anti-Covid vaccine. The agreement involves 890 countries, including European Union countries, which are financially committed to providing the vaccine. According to the Committee of Experts, this commitment gives the opportunity for our country to have access to safe vaccine like developed countries.

This amount will be paid from the budget allocated to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

The accompanying report states that the adoption of this draft law is not foreseen in the analytical program of the draft acts of the Council of Ministers of 2020 and arises due to the urgency of procuring the vaccine against COVID-19./

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