About 13,000 cannabis plants destroyed in a huge operation

schedule10:22 - 7 Shtator, 2023

schedule 10:22 - 7 Shtator, 2023

A large operation was carried out this Thursday in the entire district of Shkodra, where it became possible to destroy by burning 12,831 cannabis sativa narcotic plants.

According to the police, the mega-operation was carried out by the Shkodër Local Police Directorate, in cooperation with the “RENEA” Special Department and the Tirana and Fier National Security Police.

In this mega-operation, 50 officers of the “RENEA” department were engaged from the air and 500 officers of DVP Shkodër, of the commissariats depending on it and of FNSH Tirana and Fier, from the ground.

Officers of the “RENEA” department were transported by helicopter, since the cultivated plants were in a very deep mountainous terrain and with a high risk for the lives of Police employees.

Among other things, it is known that in this police action, RENEA operatives, by means of a helicopter, were able to arrive at different places, in the territory of Palaj village, Shosh administrative unit, where cannabis sativa narcotic plants were cultivated.

From these areas, the Police destroyed by burning, 2220 cannabis sativa narcotic plants.

All from the ground it has become possible to destroy 10,611 cannabis sativa narcotic plants in the difficult mountainous terrains in Mnelë, Shllak, Temal, Vilze, Prekal, Ura e Strenjte, Kir and Ana e Mali.

Meanwhile, the investigative structures of DVP Shkodër and the commissariats under it, in cooperation with the Prosecutor’s Office, continue the work to identify and arrest the perpetrators of the cultivation of narcotic plants, destroyed during the “Fly” mega-operation.
