Abc News revealed Rama’s formula for the Electoral Code: 100% open list, the winner is “appointed” by the mayor

schedule15:51 - 18 Shtator, 2020

schedule 15:51 - 18 Shtator, 2020

ABC NEWS has revealed the formula of the chief socialist Rama on how to distribute the deputies already with open lists.

First, according to the document read by ABC News, the voter will choose the party and then choose only one of the candidates that the party in question will nominate.

But these candidates will be ranked by the mayor according to his preference, a preference which will be decisive when the list of winning MPs is announced.

So the list will be basically 100% open.

Once the voting is closed, the vote for the parties will be counted, calculating how many seats each one wins.

Then it will be calculated who are the winning names  for that party.

But how this will be done?

There is hidden the removal of these changes, which show that the names listed by the party chairman at the top of the list are protected and have a high chance of winning.

For example, we take as an example the Shkodra region, which has a total of 11 seats and each party has submitted a list of 11 candidates ranked by preference for mayor rather than by lot or alphabetical order.

If the Socialist Party in the Shkodra region has received 50,000 votes and won 5 seats through them, it is estimated that one deputy mandate corresponds to 10 thousand votes.

So are counted 5 candidates that the party chairman has ranked first.

Also a woman within the preferential list cannot be displaced by a male candidate,  only if a female candidate below the red line has more than the average number of votes by which the party in question has won a seat.

It remain to be seen whether or not this formula written by the majority will change during the negotiating table in the Political Council. /

Mos rri jashtë: bashkohu me ABC News. Ne jemi kudo!