A balance sheet of performance of SPAK during September

schedule14:20 - 7 Tetor, 2022

schedule 14:20 - 7 Tetor, 2022

The Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime, SPAK, has published the statistics for the month of September. Through a press release, SPAK informs that during September, 14 criminal reports were submitted, of which, it was decided not to initiate investigations for one report.

22 criminal proceedings were registered, of which 11 proceedings for criminal cases related to organized crime and 11 proceedings for criminal cases related to corruption.

2 criminal proceedings with 2 defendants have been sent for trial, of which, one proceeding with a defendant for criminal cases related to organized crime and one proceeding with a defendant for criminal cases related to corruption.

After the final requests of the special prosecutors, the Special Court issued 3 basic decisions, 4 defendants were declared guilty, and one defendant was acquitted.

Seven prosecutors of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Corruption and Organized Crime have participated in 6 Trainings and Conferences abroad. 13 official requests for information have been fully answered. The Medium-Term Budget Program 2023-2025 of SPAK has been drawn up in accordance with legal and by-laws.

The Budget Implementation Monitoring Report for the 8th month of 2022 of SPAK has been drawn up. 4 procurement procedures have been initiated. 7 contracts for the supply of goods and services were signed.


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