A quantity of pounds was seized on Friday evening during a search in the Port of Durres. Police of Durres explains that in this operation carried out in cooperation with the structures of the local directorate of Police and customs authorities have seized 86, 740 pounds.
He also suggests that the driver of the van, E.H., a 21-year-old resident of Kamza, was arrested, where the amount of monetary value was hidden. Also, during the control carried out in the van, on a television, 16 packages of money, pounds, were found, which were seized as material evidence.
Authorities have announced that work is underway to identify and apprehend other people involved in the incident.
Meanwhile, the investigative structures of DVP Durres, in cooperation with the Prosecution of the Durres Judicial District, continue to identify and apprehend other persons implicated in this criminal offense./abcnews.al