In the context of the situation of the coronavirus in Albania and on the eve of the election of 25 th April, a group of doctors have appeal on political officials to take appropriate protective measures.
Through a letter addressed to President Meta, the CEC, the Prime Minister, the mayor and other party leaders, doctors demand that all anti-Covid measures be strictly implemented to avoid any problems related to the health of citizens.
Among other things, they ask everyone to contribute on implementation the measures against Covid-19 in Albania.
“On the occasion of the general elections of 25th April 2021, where thousands of citizens are engaging in the pre-election campaign and then through the will of their vote, will have the opportunity to choose the new governing team, we, the medical staff, see concern the observance and progress of anti-Covid measures, which are defined by law, namely by vote in the Parliament of the Republic of Albania.
As the numbers of new infections and even more deaths are on an increasingly trend, we would like to address you through this open letter, where each of you, with the relevant competencies, can contribute to the observance and implementation of the measures. to Covid-19 in Albania “, it is said in their letter./