President Ilir Meta held a meeting with young people where he appealed for more opportunities for their employment. Meta demands that university fees be reduced for students.
He also emphasized the education of young people, saying that education is a very important instrument for the development of the country, but it is very important to fight poverty.
Student representatives and professors at the meeting stressed out that unemployment among educated youth remains one of the main concerns in Albania where about 14.4% of young people with secondary education are unemployed, while 12.3% of young people with higher education suffer this phenomenon, noting that the brain drain and depopulation of the country by young people ranks Albania first in Europe with about 30% of students intending to study abroad and 79% of young people wishing to leave Albania for a better life.
According to the representatives of the National Youth Network, the creation of a Student Advocate according to the model of the People’s Advocate, is a need, the fulfillment of which would have a positive impact on the assistance and protection of students’ rights.
Also beneficial would be the provision and equipping with the Youth Card up to the age of 29, in which the Student Card is integrated, the remodeling of employment programs after the labor market studies have been done, the return to functionality of Counseling Offices, etc.
Albania is the first in Europe, in terms of students studying abroad in relation to the population. But, what is most worrying is that almost 94-95% of those who study abroad have no desire to return. Of concern is also the very high level of those studying in the country who want to leave, especially for branches such as medicine.
Is needed much support froms state for the students that dont have financial opportunities from their families, so that they too can have the opportunity to be and feel equal to their peers, stated Meta./