Force of Law Operation has performed its duties Tuesday, as set out in the Normative Act of January 31, 2020. Under this act, it has gone after 3 criminals, one from Elbasan, one from Bulqiza and One from Tirana for various criminal offenses.
The law breakers, in line with the information released by the OFL are: A. K., resident in Elbasan, convicted of “Murder in other qualifying circumstances”; H. P., resident in Bulqiza, convicted for “Production and sale of narcotics” and “Cultivation of narcotic plants”, and citizen with initials V. B., resident in Tirana, convicted in Italy for the criminal offense “Exploitation of prostitution” in aggravating circumstances, committed in collaboration.
These persons must fill in the self-declaration forms within the next 48 hours in writing, the regard to the Special Law on property measures against individuals convicted or accused of organized crime or serious crimes.
However, the information collected from law-breakers’ self-declarations will then be submitted to the Special Prosecution against Corruption and Organized (SPAK) for further legal action, as far as the Force of Law is concerned.
“OFL is in uninterrupted action and in carrying out complex actions for imposing of emergency seizures on assets suspected to have been obtained from crime, as well as for sending the self-declaration forms to all persons subject to the Special Law”, said the Force of Law Operation./