This Monday, the leader of the Democrats, Lulzim Basha, convenes the steering committee and the National Council of the Democratic Party, which will decide on the establishment of the Candidate Evaluation Commission.
Journalist Erneta Shevroja told for ABC News that in this meeting that will take place online, it is expected that the other three names of candidates for the Evaluation Commission will be made public, in addition to the two names that have already been made public Genc Ruli and Besnik Mustafaj.
The Commission will have 5 persons in its composition and will be assisted by the Auxiliary Secretariat of the Commission, composed by 2 persons.
The model of the British Conservatives, who have assisted the DP, along with American Republicans and Angela Merkel’s CDU, was voted in the Democratic National Assembly on statutory changes. The American Republican Institute IRI, the British Conservatives, the CDU and the PPE political forces, which have helped the DP in this process, want to turn it into a model for the democratization of political forces for the whole region.
Meanwhile, there is no information about the names that could have be proposed to be the members of the Candidate Evaluation Commission./