Democrats are preparing for the elections, Basha will convene tomorrow the Steering Committee and the National Council

schedule10:37 - 3 Gusht, 2020

schedule 10:37 - 3 Gusht, 2020

August will be an active month for the Democratic Party. The blue headquarters had informed that tomorrow the leader of the Democrats, Lulzim Basha, will convene the Presidency and the National Council, when is expected to take place the approval of the Commission for the Evaluation of Candidates for deputies.

During this month, Democrats will continue the process of selecting candidates, finalizing the governing program, and preparing structures for the election.

Tomorrow morning, the Democrats will convene the highest decision-making forums, the Presidency and the National Council of the Democratic Party, which will decide on the establishment of the Candidate Evaluation Commission. The Commission will have 5 persons in its composition and will be assisted by the Auxiliary Secretariat of the Commission consisting of two persons.


The model of the British Conservatives, who have assisted the DP, along with American Republicans and Angela Merkel’s CDU, was voted in the Democratic National Assembly on statutory changes.

The Evaluation Commission, as a reliable and integrity structure, will select the candidates proposed for deputies.  So far, the names of two of the founders of the Democratic Party, Genc Ruli and Besnik Mustafaj, have been revealed, who will be part of this unique process, which takes place for the first time in Albania. The American Republican Institute IRI, the British Conservatives, the CDU and the PPE political forces that have helped the DP in this process, want to turn it into a model for the democratization of political forces for the entire region.

Other proposals have not yet been made public, but the Commission is conceived to include not only former senior DP leaders, but also civil society and media personalities, representatives of academia, etc. This Commission evaluates each kandidate.

From the 6-week process, a high number of candidates have been identified in all 12 districts. According to sources from the blue headquarters, this means that the interest of the Democrats is to identify and select the best team which will win the parliamentary elections and form the new government./

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