President Ilir Meta this Thursday has given all his support to the proclamation of the national movement “# NEJEMI1”, against violence and sexual exploitation of children in Albania.
In his speech, Meta has appealed for working together to create effective prevention, denunciation and stronger punitive policies.
According to the head of state, violence and sexual of children is one of the most serious criminal and cruel abuses that can occur in a society.
“This violence can happen anywhere in the home, in schools, orphanage ,in the family or in the community. The widespread use of the Internet has exposed children even more to the risk of violence and sexual abuse. We should protect children from these crimes. They have not denounced due to fear, stigma from society or distrust of responsible authorities.
In recent years we have witnessed sexual violence against children and in many cases the abusers are known for the children. Institutions in some cases have failed. This must change, it must change now, so it is time to support this initiative. We should improve policies, law and to raise barriers to prevent violence of children.
“We should take strong measures not only to improve the law but also to increase the punishment”, said Meta./