As a result of the pandemic, the 63rd meeting of the High Prosecution Council was held this morning through the on-line platform. The meeting was organized in the presence of all members of the Council and representatives from the Ministry of Justice, EURALIUS, OPDAT and other accredited observers.
The Council has unanimously decided to appoint as a prosecutor in the Special Prosecution Office against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) Mrs. Manjola Kajana for a 9 year term without the right of reappointment.
Me emërimin e saj, SPAK ka aktualisht në strukturën e tij 13 prokurorë nga lista e 15 prokurorëve të zgjedhur nga Këshillin i Lartë i Prokurorisë.
SPAK currently has 13 prosecutors from the list of 15 prosecutors elected by the High Prosecution Council.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 14, 2020, the vow- ceremony is expected to take place in front of the President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Ilir Meta./