The Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana seizes several bank accounts of an Italian firm

schedule14:23 - 3 Qershor, 2024

schedule 14:23 - 3 Qershor, 2024

The Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana has seized several bank accounts of an Italian firm with the suspicion that they stem from criminal activities. 1.5 million ALL, 20 thousand euros and 480 thousand dollars have been seized.

From the investigations of the prosecutor’s office of Tirana, it appears that the citizens involved, Bruno Rollo and Teodoro Grasso, were convicted in 2016 by the Court of First Instance in Italy for fraud in the benefit of public funds and that they own and run several businesses there in the field of aeronautics.

“At the request of the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office, the bank accounts of the Italian company are seized, suspicions of “Cleaning of the proceeds of a criminal offense or criminal activity” The prosecution at the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction, Tirana seized the bank accounts of the company ‘N.’ shpk, founded by the Italian citizen B.R. on 10.01.2022, under investigation for the criminal offense “Cleaning the proceeds of a criminal offense or criminal activity” provided by Article 287 of the Criminal Code.

In the framework of investigations of criminal proceedings no. 3695 of 2024, the company in question, which carries out activity in “Construction, production, maintenance, repair and field maintenance of aircraft” results in a suspicious activity and transfers. From the investigations of the prosecutor’s office of Tirana, it results that the citizens including T.G., J.L., and B.R. were convicted in 2016 by the Court of First Instance in Italy for fraud in the benefit of public funds and that they own and run several businesses there in the field of aeronautics.

Taking into consideration the request for the transfer of funds abroad and the lack of information regarding the progress of the liquidation of liabilities, which occurred even before the urgent case, since there is a risk that these assets, which are suspected to be the product of criminal activity, will be transferred or are hidden, it is necessary to carry out the seizure of the bank accounts of company “N.” shpk, in the values:

– 1,539,490 ALL;

– EUR 20,348.24;

– USD 479,820.56


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