Attempt attack on the former prosecutor Ndoja/ SPAK closes the investigations

schedule10:11 - 28 Maj, 2024

schedule 10:11 - 28 Maj, 2024

The Special Prosecutor’s Office against Corruption and Organized Crime has closed the investigations for Plaurent Dervishaj and five other people accused of the assassination of former prosecutor Arian Ndoja and Aleksandër Lahos. The attack in which the driver Andi Maloku was killed. These people are also accused of theft, possession of weapons without permission, as well as being a structured criminal group.

Likewise, these people are suspected of having tried to kill Genci Maloku, Andi Maloku’s father, and Arbe Merkur. Also, three of the defendants, Ramazan Rrahja, Julian Mecaj and Plaurent Dervishaj, are also accused of destroying property with explosives for the tritol explosion in the hotel owned by Ervin Mata.

While the other defendant Genti Ndernjaku is suspected of having attempted to kill the citizen Miti Prifti in cooperation with other persons for 5 consecutive months, but the assassination attempt has not been finalized. SPAK has separated the investigations and is also verifying several cases of drug trafficking in which these persons are involved.


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