National anti-immigration strategy/ Balla: We aim to curb asylum requests

schedule09:40 - 2 Maj, 2024

schedule 09:40 - 2 Maj, 2024

The Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla said that they have approved a national strategy, which aims to prevent illegal immigration and curb requests for asylum.

He further stated that the government aims to reintegrate Albanian immigrants into the labor market and this strategy, Balla added, is part of the “Albania 2030” vision.

“The prevention of immigration, the second with curbing asylum seeking and the third is related to the reintegration into society of immigrants within the vision Albania 2030.

We must increase the offer for our brothers and sisters with the aim of returning them to Albania. Today’s approval of the national strategy is a document consulted at all levels”, he said.


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