Protest in front of the City hall/ Three arrested, several others are being sought

schedule10:11 - 1 Maj, 2024

schedule 10:11 - 1 Maj, 2024

Three people have been criminally prosecuted after the protest held in front of the Tirana Municipality. Three others have also been announced as wanted. The procedure has started for the citizen, Klodjan Korriku, Selaudin Gordani and Arben Qordja.

“The Local Directorate of the Tirana Police, in relation to the violent acts carried out during the protest held yesterday, in front of the Tirana Municipality, by the Alliance for the Protection of the Theater, following investigative and procedural actions and under the direction of the Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of First Instance of the First General Jurisdiction in Tirana, the citizens: – Klodjan Korriku, Selaudin Gordani and Arben Qordja, for the criminal offenses “Disruption of public peace” and “Opposition to a public order police officer”, the announcement states. of the police.

In addition, two 19-year-olds and a 57-year-old man were wanted for the criminal offenses of “Opposition to a public order police officer”, “Disruption of public peace”, “Violation of the rules on explosives and incendiary substances”, “Destruction of property by fire”, and “Strikes due to duty”, while the materials were passed to the Prosecutor’s Office.


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