Albania out of the monitoring of the Council of Europe for human rights/ Nikolla: Reconfirmation of the consolidation of democracy

schedule09:18 - 18 Prill, 2024

schedule 09:18 - 18 Prill, 2024

The Speaker of the Assembly, Lindita Nikolla, welcomes the decision of APKiE to remove Albania from the monitoring system. In a post on social networks, Nikolla says that this decision is a reaffirmation of the consolidation of democracy in Albania.

Among other things, Nikolla thanks the delegation of the Assembly to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the strong lobbying for the presentation of Albania’s progress and successes.

“The unanimous vote in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for the exit of Albania from the permanent monitoring system of the Council of Europe is another reconfirmation of the achievements of the reforms, the consolidation of democratic values ​​and institutions, the rule of law, the protection of the freedoms and rights of to man. A special thanks to the delegation of the Assembly to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the powerful lobbying for the presentation of Albania’s progress and successes,” says Nikolla.