Requested the change of the security measure, GJKKO overthrows Ramazan Rraja

schedule10:00 - 5 Prill, 2024

schedule 10:00 - 5 Prill, 2024

The Special Court of Appeals for Corruption and Organized Crime has rejected Ramazan Rraja’s request to change the security measure.

Ramazan Rraja was arrested as a person involved in the assassination of the former Durres prosecutor Arjan Ndoj.

The attack on the former prosecutor Arjan Ndoj happened on November 1, 2019, where the car in which the former prosecutor was traveling was shot with a volley of automatic weapons.

Ndoj was in the vehicle with Landi Muharremi, known as the “strong man of Sukthi”, and with Andi Maloku, his driver, who was dead.

Ndoja and Muharremi survived.


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