The Disinformation Commission is approved

schedule12:43 - 3 Prill, 2024

schedule 12:43 - 3 Prill, 2024

The Disinformation Commission is approved

The opposition is not ready to vote for the establishment of a special parliamentary commission, which will fight fake information and the influence of unfriendly foreign countries, using the media, technology and dark money in election campaigns.

Gazment Bardhi was not satisfied with the argument of the majority that this comes after the agreement signed in Tirana with Secretary Blinken.

Mazhoranca argued through Bledi Çuçi that such a practice has been adopted by the European Union itself, which has also set up such a special commission for two years.

The majority gave its votes on this issue in the Conference of Presidents, passing it for a vote in the plenary session. This special committee will engage members from 4 other parliamentary committees (Foreign Affairs Committee, Laws, National Security and Education Committee)./

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