Investigative Commission on Health, the first meeting started with debates

schedule13:34 - 25 Mars, 2024

schedule 13:34 - 25 Mars, 2024

The meeting of the Investigative Committee on sterilization and health check-up started this Monday with debates between the majority and the opposition, even though it was a constitutive meeting. Journalist Erneta Shevroja made a summary of the whole situation, emphasizing that both parties discussed whether this meeting should be held or not, and in the future they will have to agree more. That’s why, according to Shevroja, there have been comments from the majority that opposition MPs are confused from the beginning.

After a short speech given by the leader of the commission’s meeting, Albana Vokshi, the member and deputy of the SP, Plarent Ndreca, stated that she was prejudging the commission by coming to conclusions and that she was making party statements.

In conclusion, the journalist emphasized that this investigative commission began its work by implementing the new law on commissions, but this Monday it was declared by President Vokshi that the experts will be elected by voting, which has not happened before./


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