The gun attack in Shkodra/ Balla: I believe in the team leading the investigation

schedule12:13 - 13 Mars, 2024

schedule 12:13 - 13 Mars, 2024

At the end of the government meeting, the Minister of the Interior Taulant Balla responded to the interest of the media regarding the assassination attempt the day before in Shkoder.

“In the last 7 months, we have a historic number of identification, finding and extradition of high-risk persons. Last week we managed to extradite one of the most well-known figures of organized crime in Albania.

Yesterday I had a phone call with the interior minister of Spain regarding the issue of criminal groups operating between Spain and Albania. Very soon we will sign a memorandum of cooperation.

The State Police is clear, in the case of Lezha, the incident has been clarified and the persons will face justice. I am sure and have faith in the team that is leading the investigation in Shkoder. I did not say that there will be no injuries or criminal events in Albania. It is important that the police has increased its investigative power to get to the bottom of not only new but also old criminal events,” said Balla. /


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