PM Rama’s message to Balkan leaders

schedule10:37 - 22 Janar, 2024

schedule 10:37 - 22 Janar, 2024

“We are not the best, but we deserve integration”, said Prime Minister Edi Rama in his speech at the Balkan summit in Skopje.

“I would like to thank the US undersecretary, our friends. With this, O’Brien emphasizes the importance that this initiative has, not only for our countries, but for the peace and stability of the region in general.

A year ago, Kopman in Tirana had to be confronted by me in the direction of the EU and he was very patient and listened to what was our main frustration. You get nothing if you are not a member of the EU, the problem between what member countries get is depressing.

One of the neighboring countries receives from the EU about 400 thousand per citizen, while here we receive about 130 per citizen. There is desperation in this regard. Over the years we have come to this point.

Europeans without B is important to us and at the same time it is a great challenge and a great benefit if we want to become part of this family. If we want to be willing to sacrifice to give something for yourself.

” I must underline that one thing you can imagine in a better position we would be if the EU was more serious with the regional integration with the management of the issues. That’s how it should have been when the Berlin process started, the pork y process happens once a year and one day, and so we started with the Open Front. It was intended for war and strength not only in Europe but also in the region.

When I say while we wait and it’s not just up to us, let’s join ourselves, but everyone says no no. I’m not crazy, but there are reasons to be optimistic today. After dinner last night, we can have civilized conversation and talk without mixing up history.” said Rama.

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