Interior Minister welcomes Europol’s anti drugs, guns mega operation

schedule10:05 - 1 Dhjetor, 2023

schedule 10:05 - 1 Dhjetor, 2023

Interior Minister Taulant Balla hailed this Friday for the international operation, which took place in 26 European countries, where the focus was on attacking criminal networks in the trafficking of weapons, narcotics and illegal immigrants.

During this operation, in Albania, 28 people were arrested and firearms and drugs were seized.

In total, in 26 European countries, 566 citizens were arrested during this operation (218 for human trafficking, 186 for drug trafficking, 69 for arms trafficking, 89 for other crimes); 310 firearms, combat ammunition and about 1 ton of drugs were also seized, including 626 kg of cocaine, almost 300 kg of cannabis, heroin and other narcotics.

“State Police is part of the international operation EMPACT JAD 2023, which took place simultaneously in 26 European countries, with the support of Europol, Interpol, Eurojust, Frontex, the European Border Guard Agency and other international law enforcement agencies.

The operation was aimed at firearms, narcotics, and immigrant trafficking networks, as well as hitting high-risk criminal networks.

In Albania, the operation was coordinated by the Europol Directorate, engaging a total of 315 State Police employees for the control of 2648 subjects, 1525 citizens, 987 vehicles, 40 postal packages and 92 premises. In our country, 28 citizens were arrested, firearms, ammunition, 81 kg of cannabis and many doses of cocaine were seized.

In total, in 26 European countries, 566 citizens were arrested during this operation (218 for human trafficking, 186 for drug trafficking, 69 for arms trafficking, 89 for other crimes); 310 firearms, military ammunition and about 1 ton of drugs (626 kg of cocaine, almost 300 kg of cannabis, heroin and other narcotics) were seized”, stated Balla.


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