Meta invites the parties on setting a date for the local elections

schedule10:00 - 19 Janar, 2022

schedule 10:00 - 19 Janar, 2022

President Ilir Meta has made a public invitation to the parliamentary parties to participate in a consultation for setting the date of the local by-elections in 6 municipalities without mayors.

A few days ago, President Ilir Meta said that he had sent a letter to the Election Commissioner to receive information on municipalities that do not have a mayor in order to then proceed with the procedures they follow for the election of their mayors.

In its letter, the CEC emphasized that there are 2 municipalities for which it has been notified through institutional channels for the vacancy of Shkodra and Dibra. While in the municipality of Vora the mandate of the former mayor Agim Kajmaku was declared invalid.

While for the cases of the other three municipalities, the municipal councils by law have informed only the council of ministers and not the Central Election Commission.

In the case of Shkodra, we resigned the candidate Valdrin Pjetri, about which he informed the Central Election Commission. A similar precedent is the one in the municipality of Durrës where the mayor Valbona Sako resigned after the statement made after the earthquake of November 26, but in this case the CEC was not informed.

In the Municipality of Lushnja, Fatos Tushe was fired by the decision of Prime Minister Edi Rama after his arrest for violating tenders. A special case is that of Rrogozhina, when the mayor Haxhi Memolla died as a result of a cardiac arrest leaving the post of mayor vacant.

Due to the circumstances, the process for announcing the vacancy in these municipalities has not been passed through the Central Election Commission. Now the president will have to ask for information from the prime minister, as this institution monitors this process through the prefects.

 Municipalities without a mayor

1- Municipality of Shkodra – After the mayor left the elections, Valdrin Pjetri fell into the “net” of decriminalization.

2- Municipality of Vora – After the mayor Agim Kajmaku, was also “burned” by decriminalization.

3- Municipality of Durrës – After Valbona Sako resigned after the November earthquake.

4- Municipality of Rrogozhina – After the mayor Haxhi Memolla passed away.

5- Municipality of Dibra – After Dionis Ymeri left the post to run as an MP.

6 – Municipality of Lushnja – After Fatos Tushe was fired by Prime Minister Edi Rama, after being arrested for corruption.
