25 police officers in Korça suspended for abuse with Frontex funds

schedule14:49 - 3 Korrik, 2024

schedule 14:49 - 3 Korrik, 2024

Korça Prosecutor’s Office is criminally prosecuting 25 employees of the Korça Police Department and the Border and Migration Directorate. On the other hand, the court decides the suspension from duty of these employees.

According to the Korca prosecutor’s office, the police officers are accused of abusing the funds in terms of per diems, services and other expenses of the Frontex service. The investigation has been extended for the period 2020-2024 and not only police officers but also high-level managers have been prosecuted.

It is learned that the several-year investigation has been extended to all the customs points of the southeastern region where the Frontex service operated. Sources at the prosecutor’s office say that the financial abuse up to this stage of the investigation amounts to 400,000 euros, falsifying financial documents as well.


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